
Christmas Around the World Show

On December 18th, our school came alive with the joy and magic of the Christmas Around the World Show! This special event transported the audience on a cultural journey, showcasing the unique holiday traditions of countries like Canada, Spain, the Philippines, Ireland, and the USA.


Beyond the enthusiastic participation of the NCIS community, we were honored to have the Third Class Researcher Huang Jiankui and three colleagues from the  Foreign Affairs Office of Nanchang Municipal People’s  Government attend this event. Their presence reflects the importance Nanchang City places on friendly international exchanges and is also a recognition of our educational endeavors. It has also facilitated communication and cooperation between our school and government departments. Nanchang International School will continue to contribute to the efforts of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People’s Government in expanding openness to the outside world, attracting investment, and creating a high-quality business environment.


The program was thoughtfully designed to celebrate diversity and unity. Students worked tirelessly with their teachers to deliver engaging performances that combined music, dance, and storytelling. From the reindeers’ adventure at the North Pole to the Three Wise Men in Spain, each play was not only entertaining but also educational. Parents and students alike learned about the rich tapestry of traditions that make the holiday season so special.

Highlights of the Show:
✨ 精彩瞬间:

Musical Masterpieces: Students filled the air with festive melodies, performing pieces like “Theme from The Blue Danube” and “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.”

音乐作品: 学生们演奏了如《蓝色多瑙河主题曲》和《糖果仙子舞曲》等节日乐曲,为活动增添了节日气氛。

Dramatic Plays: Through vibrant storytelling, students brought to life traditions such as Filipino caroling and the heartwarming spirit of an Irish Christmas.

戏剧表演: 通过栩栩如生的讲述,学生们将菲律宾的圣诞颂歌和温馨的爱尔兰圣诞传统栩栩如生地呈现了出来。

Parent Performances: Parents added their sparkle with a charming dance and a fashion show, showcasing their creativity and enthusiasm.

家长表演: 家长们以他们迷人的舞姿和别出心裁的服装展示,为活动增添了一抹亮色,充分展现了他们的创造力和热情参与。

A Visit from Santa: The excitement reached its peak with Santa’s arrival, as students eagerly received gifts and shared festive cheer.

圣诞老人到访: 圣诞老人的到来将活动推向了顶峰,孩子们满怀热情地迎接他,领取他分发的礼物,并在欢声笑语中分享着节日的欢乐。

Thank you again to all the friends, students, leaders, parents, and teachers who participated in today’s event. You are all an indispensable part of this celebration. We not only guide children to explore and learn in the classroom but also bring the Christmas culture of our respective countries to our stage today. By allowing children to experience these traditions, we help them understand the profound meaning behind the holidays, truly fulfilling our educational mission of nurturing “lifelong learners with a global perspective” both inside and outside the classroom.
