We’ve got some thrilling updates for you today! Our students had their first field hockey lesson and it was an absolute blast! On April 17th, NCIS ASA opened Field Hockey to provide students with a richer and more diverse extracurricular experience and cultivate their multiple intelligences and all-round development.
In this action-packed session, our athletes delved into the fundamentals of field hockey, learning everything from basic techniques to teamwork strategies. They honed their skills under the guidance of coach, Ms.Bongi who provided expert instruction and encouragement every step of the way.
在这个充满活力的曲棍球课程中,我们的小小运动员们深入探讨了群滚球的基础知识,从基本技术到团队合作策略。在教练Ms. Bongiwe老师的指导下,他们在每一步都得到了专业的指导和鼓励,磨练了自己的技能。
But it wasn’t just about mastering the game; it was also about fostering sportsmanship. Our students showed incredible spirit, supporting each other and working together to achieve their goals.
Stay tuned for more updates as our field hockey journey continues!