A Fun and Educational Field Trip to the Science Museum
Last Wednesday, the grade 4 and grade 5 students had an exciting and educational field trip to the science museum as part of their unit on energy. The kids are such excellent risk-takers to explore different forms of energy and learn ho …
Our First Field Hockey Lesson
We’ve got some thrilling updates for you today! Our students had their first field hockey lesson and it was an absolute blast! On April 17th, NCIS ASA opened Field Hockey to provide students with a richer and more diverse extracurricula …
Little Doctors in Action!
As part of our Monthly Activities in conjunction with World Health Day, on April 18th and 19th, we accompanied our students to a special medical check-up where they visited an optometrist to examine their eyes and participated in some a …
2024年3月21日,NCIS在校园内举办了一场别开生面的色彩嘉年华活动,吸引了众多家长和孩子们的踊跃参与。活动现场洋溢着欢乐和笑声,家长们与孩子共同参与了各种有趣的游戏、手工艺活动和精彩表演。孩子们在游戏中释放出童真,展现出活力和创造力;手工艺活 …