CETZ – Changsha Economic & Trade Zone

Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone was established in 1992, 2000 upgraded to state-level economic and technological development zones, planning area of ​​105 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Xingsha, pear, yellow three industrial park. In 2016, the park completed the scale of industrial output value of 211.1 billion yuan, an increase of 16.3%; complete fiscal revenue of 13.78 billion yuan, an increase of 14%; completed the whole society fixed assets investment 16.8 billion yuan, an increase of 10.5%, the main economic indicators are maintained More than 10% growth. With more than 165 industrial enterprises, annual output value of over 100 million yuan enterprises 85, over 1 billion enterprises 19, the world’s top 500 investment enterprises 31, more than 30 colleges and universities, nearly 200,000 industrial workers, known as “Hunan industry to see Changsha, Changsha industry to see Xingsha” reputation, has access to the national new industrial (equipment manufacturing) industry demonstration base, the national intellectual property demonstration park, the national eco-industrial demonstration park, China’s most investment potential of the top ten development zones , Hunan Province to optimize the economic development environment demonstration area, Hunan Province, the development of open economy advanced units and other honors.

After 20 years of development and precipitation, the park formed the following characteristics:

    First, three-dimensional traffic developed, the obvious advantages of location. The park is located in the eastern part of Changsha, Hunan Province, an open economic corridor, located in the core area of ​​independent innovation demonstration zone of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, west of Changsha City, east of Changsha Huanghua International Airport, Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Changsha Airport City, north of Hunan The largest city within the lake wetland park – Songya Lake Wetland Park, south of Changsha Huangxing logistics base and the International Convention and Exhibition Center economic circle, the development of vast hinterland, unlimited potential. High-speed, high-speed, high-speed, high-speed, high-speed, high-speed four high-speed large arteries, Jing-Guang Railroad, Beijing-Shenzhen high-speed rail, Shanghai-Kunming high-speed rail, Chongqing high-speed rail (planning) in this intersection, Changsha Metro Line 6, Line in the whole territory, China’s first low-speed maglev train Unicom north and south, the basic realization of a quarter of an hour to the city center, a quarter of an hour to the airport, a quarter of an hour to the high-speed rail station, a quarter of an hour to the business district “fifteen minute three-dimensional traffic circle” Within an hour can cover China’s central and southern population of 300 million population, unique geographical advantages, with great investment and development value.

    Second, the industrial base is strong, leading the industry in Hunan. After 20 years of development, the park has formed a construction machinery, automobiles and parts, electronic information three leading industries, of which to Sany Heavy Industry, Zoomlion, mountains and rivers, iron construction, as the representative of the construction machinery industry , The output value of about 23% of the total, the global total of 7.2%, brand awareness and market coverage touched the world; to the public, Guangzhou Automobile Fick, Guangzhou Automobile Mitsubishi, Sumitomo Japan, Germany Bosch as the representative of the car and parts Industry development is rapid, 2017 is expected to become the park’s largest industry and the first 100 billion industrial clusters, vehicle production capacity of more than 1 million / year, 2021 will exceed 1.9 million, forming a vehicle and key components of research and development, Manufacturing, sales, service as one of the automotive industry cluster. In addition, the park has born two China’s richest man – Liang Wengen, Zhou Qunfei, gathered the world’s largest glass panel manufacturers – Blue Si technology, the world’s first non-electric air-conditioning production enterprises – large air-conditioning, Hunan’s first industrial 4.0 Demonstration enterprises – Germany Bosch Changsha factory, has become the largest output value in Hunan, the fastest growing, the strongest, the highest degree of openness, the most complete industrial system park, the central region of the industrial development of the core growth and important driving force.

    Third, insist on strokes to attract strong, open pace to speed up. Take the initiative to introduce the world’s top 500, central enterprises and domestic well-known enterprises, major strategic investment projects, the introduction of an annual investment of 5 billion yuan, focusing on the development of new industries, Project more than 2. Continue to innovate investment, vigorously carry out the industrial chain investment, the second investment, to Merchants, to encourage and support the professional, market investment, led the Sany Group, Tie Jian Heavy Industries, Guangzhou Automobile Mitsubishi, Guangzhou Automobile Fick, Changfeng Group, Bosch Cars, Qianshan medicine and a large number of local strength to send enterprises to increase their investment, to achieve “fission development.” Pay attention to the festival investment, to create a “China (Changsha) Construction Machinery Parts Expo” and a number of Merchants card. The implementation of investment strategy, strict implementation of the new regulations, improve the project access threshold, pay attention to investment projects output efficiency. Take the initiative to integrate into the “one way” strategy, leveraging Xingsha Customs, Changsha Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and other regional platform, relying on Ethiopia Hunan equipment manufacturing cooperation park and other carriers, to encourage enterprises to “go out” investment, Heavy industry, Zoomlion, Qianshan medicine and other enterprises have crossed the country, in Europe, the Americas, Africa, South Asia and other regions to establish research and development centers and production bases.

    Fourth, the implementation of innovation and lead, the development of stamina full. In recent years, the park adhere to the “transformation, innovation, promotion” as a general, relying on manufacturing comparative advantage, take the initiative into the “Made in China 2025”, comprehensively boost Sany Group, iron construction, SAIC, Guangzhou Automobile Fick, And so on to achieve intelligent production, intelligent product management and management services, the success of the creation of a national demonstration of intelligent manufacturing model 1, the provincial intelligent manufacturing enterprises 4, the provincial intelligent manufacturing workshop 3, municipal intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration enterprises 28, intelligent manufacturing industry to maintain provincial and municipal leadership model. Relying on the “National Intellectual Property Demonstration Park” platform, in-depth implementation of innovation-driven strategy, the establishment of 150 million yuan patent-driven development funds to encourage enterprises to independent innovation and support the advantages of enterprises to speed up transformation and upgrading. Encourage the “public entrepreneurship, innovation”, to create a three public, the central wisdom Valley, Depp business enterprise, Changsha Science and Technology Metro and a number of incubator carrier and the public base, to stimulate social innovation potential and entrepreneurial vitality. Depth implementation of the talent highland strategy, annual investment of more than 100 million yuan of special funds, pay close attention to the introduction of a number of leading talent, high-end talent and artisans talent, focus on creating innovation and development of the intellectual engine. As of the end of 2016, the park has five state-level enterprise technology center, involved in the construction of a national engineering research center 1, post-doctoral research station 10, skills master studio 8; directly engaged in research and development of scientific research personnel more than 8,000 people, including senior titles More than 4,000 people; high-tech scale enterprise output value accounted for 81% of the park’s industrial output value, has become the driving force to promote the park’s economic development.

    Five is to adhere to the city integration, better environment supporting the Around the city to build a modern industrial complex, planning the implementation of good land use planning plans, production city integration planning plans, industrial layout planning plans, investment projects settled in the plan “four blueprint”. Start the implementation of three-year quality improvement project, the standard domestic advanced park standards, and further improve the public infrastructure, and continuously improve the park supporting the environment. Strengthen the public service supply, optimize the education of medical care, public transportation network, parking lot, business district, public rental, public roads and other special planning to build the park “four quarter of an hour traffic network” “three ten minutes public service circle.” And comprehensively promote the construction of public service projects, built in Hunan Province, the first truly international schools, to speed up the construction of industrial workers and other activities of a number of public activities projects, efforts to optimize the staff concentrated residential service management, focusing on promoting schools, hospitals, parks , Farm trade centers, shopping malls, cultural and sports centers and other basic supporting full coverage. Innovation and social governance model, deepen the construction of safe park, has won the “China Habitat Environment Award” “China’s most happy city” title.

    Six is ​​the innovation system mechanism, administrative efficiency first class. Adhere to the integration of county and county development concept, the implementation of “district and county” dispatching a new mechanism, in the major project construction, social management, land acquisition and demolition and so on to give full play to district and county resources sharing, coordination with the institutional advantages. Practice “the right to do, do it” concept, to achieve the effectiveness of administrative examination and approval to mention quality, the first in the province to implement industrial projects reported construction permit free agency services, the implementation of “a notice, full service, parallel approval, , Performance accountability “, the effectiveness of administrative services ranked the forefront of the province. High efficiency to promote separation of government and enterprises, political separation, speed up the operation of the company’s market, innovative allocation of resources for investment, project construction to provide strong protection. Depth development of the “flying park” construction, Xingsha, Huanghua, pear and other entrusted the rapid development of the park, Yueyang Miluo Industrial Park, Xinjiang Changan Industrial Park and other “flying park” to speed up the park to promote the role of radiation continues to strengthen. Adhere to the precise service enterprises, relying on leadership to contact the project, the joint point of business, commissioners and other mechanisms, the project coordination meeting, scheduling, inspection will be open to the project construction site, the scene combing work tasks, all-round help project (business) growing up very fast. Innovation “organs of the party branch + enterprise party organization” to build the work mode, to take “1 + N” group model to the point of exchange of communication services (enterprise) party organizations. Deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, from the source to protect the government environment is clear.

In 2017, Changsha Economic Development Zone will conscientiously implement the central, provincial and municipal economic work conference and provincial and municipal Party Congress spirit, in-depth implementation of innovation to lead the opening and rising strategy, aimed at “the first to build national intelligent manufacturing center, the first to build 500 billion countries Class park “new positioning, and implementing the” industrial integration, city integration, district and county integration “development concept, to enhance the transformation and innovation as a general, further innovation and institutional mechanisms to improve service capacity, optimize the development environment, and strive to 2021 completed the fixed asset investment More than 10 billion enterprises, cultivate 10 billion enterprises more than 10, cultivate 100 billion industrial clusters 2-3, the first to build 500 billion state-level park, and strive for the county into the top five counties, Changsha to create a national center city, building a rich Beautiful and happy new Hunan made a positive contribution.








