Nanchang International School(NCIS) is the first and only international school in Jiangxi Province that uses English as the primary language of instruction. Nanchang is a bustling, internationally expanding market that provides foreign companies with investment opportunities. NCIS was established in order to support this growth by attracting more foreign investors to Nanchang City and Jiangxi Province at large. With the support of the leaders of Nanchang City, Nanchang Municipal People’s Government cooperated with Worldwide Education Services, Singapore (WES Group) to establish an international school for the children of expatriates and SARfamilies. At Nanchang International School, we aim to create a vibrant school community that will bring out the best in every child. We invite you and your child to visit our campus to meet our community of internationally-minded, lifelong learners, and experience the warm, supportive environment that will help your child develop a love of learning.
Currently, we offer an international curriculum for children from ages 3 to 12.
We have been approved as an International School by the PRC Ministry of Education a. ln 2016, the International Baccalaureate Organization authorized us as a Primary Years Programme, International Baccalaureate (IB) School. All IB Schools share a common philosophy of a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education which we believe is important for our students.
Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its academic programmes: For example the Primary Years Programme (PYP) . For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit
南昌国际学校是江西省唯一的一所采用英语为主要教学语言,主要招收外籍人士子女的国际学校 。南昌是一座飞速发展的国际化城市, 凭借出色的城市发展及国际市场化进程吸引了众多的外商投资者。2009年,为了进一步完善国际化的环境,在省市级各级领导的关怀与支持下,南昌市人民政府携手新加坡玮仕教育集团,在红谷滩新区这片欣欣向荣的乐土上创办了南昌国际学校,旨在为来赣工作的外籍人士及港澳台专家子女提供最优质的国际教育环境 。
我校致力于营造一个充满活力的学习环境,让每个学生都有机会展示自己最好的一面。我们诚邀您和您的孩子一同来我校参观一一我校国际化的教育模式、 终身学习者的素养、 温暖悉心的关怀, 以及支持性的创新环境都将激发孩子们对学习的激情与热爱 。
南昌国际学校是经中国教育部正式批准的一所国 际 学 校 。2016年,南昌国际学校作为lB成员学校获得了国际文凭组织 ( IBO)对我校PYP项目的正式认证。国际文凭组织成员学校都怀着共同的理念一一“恪守承诺提供高品质且有竟争力的国际教育”一一我们相信这正是对学生最至关重要的一点 。
只有被授权学校能够提供国际文凭组织的课程体系: 小学项目(PYP )。有关IB及其项目的进一步详细信息可查询国际文凭组织的网站。
Authorization of PYP
Nanchang International School received the certificate of authorization of IB PYP in 2016 to offer the Primary Years Programme.
