Krystal Deng 邓倩如
Chinese teacher 中文老师
- University College London, Master Degree
- Experienced in teaching Chinese as a foreign/second language as well as the Mother tongue
- Taught Chinese at St Stephen’s School in Singapore and Hunan First Normal University, and had worked in Ministry of Singapore as a team member of the Chinese Curriculum Planning Team
- She hopes to see students excel themselves every day and reach their greatest potential as life-long learners. Shel relishes her time with her students, where she strives to encourage excellent academic and personal growth in all of them.
- 河北大学对外汉语专业毕业,英国伦敦大学(UCL)教育与传媒文化硕士;
- 曾任教于湖南第一师范,主讲中国文学史;
- 拥有近10年的国内外中文教学经验,曾就职于新加坡教育部,担任中文老师及中文部协调员工作,参与新加坡教育课程发展司中文教学教材编写;
- 其秉持“培养学生成为视野开阔的终生学习者”的IB教育理念,致力于提高学生的中文水平、培养学生的中文逻辑思维能力和鉴赏能力,以学生为中心的教学理念,积极发掘学生的学习兴趣和主动性,深受学生和家长的喜爱与信任。