Current Opening: Chemistry Teacher

Chemistry teacher 化学老师

Responsibilities 岗位职责:

  • Responsible for teaching of the subject and constantly improve the teaching quality;
  • Make suitable teaching plan, and the cultivation of the learning method , study habits;
  • Keep good communication with students, parents; Make psychological  counseling for students;
  • Take  part in teaching and researching activities,  finish the research task as may be assigned.
  • 根据学校的教学安排,具体负责本学科本年级学生的教学工作,不断提高教学服务质量;
  • 根据学生的实际情况,制定适宜的教学方案,并进行学习方法指导、学习习惯的培养;
  • 与学生、家长保持良好的沟通,对学生进行教学引导和心理疏导工作;
  • 积极参加教研活动,配合和完成上级布置的教研任务。

Requirements 任职要求:

  • Devote to education, love children, good at communication with parents and students;
  • Solid professional skills and rich experience in teaching;
  • Bachelor’s degree in   chemistry  or above, have the junior high school teachers’ qualification, putonghua level 2 B or above;
  • With homeroom teacher experience, command the IB teaching system and IGCSE courses are preferred;
  • 热爱教育,热爱孩子,善于与家长和学生沟通;
  • 有扎实的专业技能和丰富的教学经验;
  • 化学或相关专业本科及以上学历,具备初中教师资格,普通话二级乙等或以上;
  • 有班主任工作经验,了解IB教学体系、IGCSE课程均优先考虑。